2018.06.24 Quedgeley LNR

Today, with a small crew (4 volunteers), we managed to clear back and weed the hedge we had planted in March. It had become quite overgrown with nettles and bindweed, fortunately nearly all of the trees had survived and looked healthy. We then added more chippings as mulch.

Back  to the chippings pile again we barrowed loads onto the path that leads to the pond. Roger happily strimmed back the nettles further away from the hedge and tackled bramble that was clambering over the fence by the entrance.

Our other task was to try and remove logs that had found there way into the pond, probably by local gremlins – who’d clearly eaten their weetabix as we couldn’t shift some of the much heavier logs.

Anyway, a pleasing day’s work and hoping the hedge can now breathe again and grow on.


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